Military-Grade Data Security

Your data is the prime asset. Modern-day
attacks evolve fast. RASIKH provides the
ultimate in data protection.

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Protect The Core With RASIKH

frame jobs

Network Security is Good, but not Enough

Perpetrators breach firewalls and network security in every successful cyber attack. Third party network gear cannot be trusted. RASIKH protects the core, your data.

(Un)authorized Backdoors

When you deploy closed source, blackbox security systems, there's no way to prove absense of any intentional or non-intentional backdoors. Backdoors neutralize security. RASIKH is 100% transparent.

Unprecedented Cyber Attacks

Modern-day attack vectors evolve & mutiply fast and so should your security solution. RASIKH effectively neutralizes attacks, ensuring your prime data assets are always secured even in case of successful penetration attempts.

Attacks Cost Reputation & Money

Don't risk putting your sensitive informatin assets ending up in the wrong hands. Financial losses from successful attacks may be sustained, reputation cannot. With RASIKH, you ensure that your data is rendered useless even when your digital security is breached.

Military-Grade Data Protection

RASIKH provides military-grade data security platform, coupled with deep information security analytics, ability to unify data security for third party enterprise applications and more.

360° Data Protection

rasikh features

Centralized key-management

Security-breach detection

Deep security analytics

Military-grade protection

No backdoors, guaranteed!

Real-time data protection


rasikh data security
Contact Now OR Learn More about RASIKH

RASIKH provides unified security solution, providing centralized key-management, data protection and a strong security dashboard for security trends analysis and early threat identification.

With our Cloud enabled, extensible and fully transparent platform, you ensure maximum data protection while also retaining full control of your data when using private, public or hybrid Cloud.
