Production times have been declining in digital media studios, not only within our region but also globally. This demands creative studio companies to invest in getting latest hardware to keep a tab on the production times without losing a bit of quality. From 3D rendering to restoring existing video films to "Edutainment", supercomputing can add significant value in your creative workflows, resulting in improved quality, reduced time to market and hence, a happy customer.
Animation studios use cutting edge solutions to design more engaging and crisp animations. Video artists working on these animation projects are often equipped with the latest in animation software. However, in order to increase the productivity of the artist and enable faster delivery to the end user, the time to process animations and designs need to be reduced. This requires significant compute power. At Ijra'at, we can help your studio achieve faster animation design and production times with hosted Media solutions on our own Supercomputer.
High resolution and high detail 2D and 3D creative content rendering is a very compute intensive task. A single 1 minute 3D clip may take hours to render on high end workstations, depending upon the detail and data set. Professional artists and production houses cannot tolerate these lags since it hinders productivity and hence idle time for professional artists. At Ijra'at, we can help your teams and also individual creative artists get their hands on state-of-the-art 3D rendering solutions running on our own Supercomputer.
Post production of video content, be it advertisements, documentaries or films, requires a lot of color grading, compositing and adding post-effects. Digital studios and individual artists require state-of-the-art tools and a powerful machine to edit video content in real-time. Smaller tasks which require just surface polishing may make use of a standard workstation but professional artists need high performance systems to make sure they deliver their best quality videos to their clients and can accommodate change requests without spending hours waiting for the processing to finish. At Ijra'at, we can help you set up your own personalized video post-production environment running on our own Supercomputer and available on-demand.
In addition to some of the verticals mentioned above, supercomputing is changing a variety of other domains. At Ijra'at, we believe in providing excellent service for your supercomputing needs. Contact us today for more information.